Invest in your most valuable asset, your team.




Role of extended teams in Human-Centred Strategy.

Role of extended teams in Human-Centred Strategy.
Cross-Functional Collaboration: Extended teams typically comprise individuals from diverse departments and functions within the organization. By bringing together individuals with varied expertise and perspectives, these teams foster cross-functional collaboration. This collaboration ensures that strategic initiatives are not siloed within specific departments but are instead integrated across the organization, leading to more holistic and effective execution.
Stakeholder Engagement: Extended teams serve as conduits for engaging various stakeholders throughout the organization. They facilitate communication and collaboration between different teams, departments, and leadership levels, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and objectives. By actively involving stakeholders in the strategic execution process, extended teams enhance buy-in and support for initiatives, driving their success.
Innovation and Creativity: By bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences, extended teams foster a culture of innovation and creativity. They provide a platform for brainstorming, ideation, and problem-solving, encouraging members to think creatively and explore innovative approaches to achieving strategic objectives. This innovative mindset is essential for driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced business landscape.

AKND - 15:25:11 | Add a comment

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